Thursday, January 14, 2010
We've Moved!!!
I am SO unbelievably excited to tell you all we've moved the blog to a custom new blog that I absolutely love! It's been a long time coming and took many hours/days/weeks/months to pull together, but I really like it a lot. Well, mostly. I keep fiddling with little settings here and there, but for the most part it's great. If you like getting the e-mail notifications, you can sign up to receive emails every time I post. It's also set up to work with your favorite RSS reader, so you can follow it that way, too.
What I'm most excited about is all of the new features I have planned (and started) on the new blog. I will be doing short reviews on venues and vendors I've worked with, in hopes to provide you with an outsiders opinion and view point. There are many great ones out there!
Second, I've started a "Top Things Every Bride Should Know" feature. These are entirely from my perspective (that of a wedding photographer and former bride). It's my plan to offer tips on things to hopefully help brides have enough knowledge to make educated decisions on wedding day items (with a HUGE slant towards photography - I am after all a photographer!)
For my family, I will still include some images of the kids, but I think those are going to be fewer as I do more of that on Facebook and can control who sees pictures of my "babies". Speaking of Facebook - I'm on there, too! I have my personal page and a fan page for Jenifer Lyn Photography. Add me! I'd love to keep in touch!
Lastly, but MOST certainly not least, thank you to everyone who has supported me so much through everything. Without your support I don't know how I could have done all of this.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
OneWed Vendor of the Year!
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Thanks to the wonderful couples I worked with last year, I am so excited to share with you that OneWed has named Jenifer Lyn Photography one of their Best Wedding Vendors of 2008!!!! Click here to view the story behind the list and to download the full PDF list to view.
It is such an honor for me! Thank you to all the couples I worked with in 2008 - you are all very special to me.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Welcome 2009!
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."
~ Walt Disney
(Since I don't have any images of Walt - the man - I am including a quick image of the kids at Disney World, from earlier this year)
With the start of 2009 comes my look back to 2008 and all that I was able to accomplish as a business owner as well as all that we were able to do as a family and I am very proud of all of that. In such tumultuous times it's very easy to get down (and this cold NE weather doesn't always help) by focusing on things that aren't going as well as we would like. But what is more important is that we focus on all the great in our life. And that is where you all come in. Thank you for reading my blog, viewing my work, and more importantly, being a part of my life in some way.
Here's to a great 2009 for all and I hope you all are able to accomplish for yourselves what you set out to.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Engagement Session, CT Style

This one really struck me as an instant favorite. I just love everything about it!
I took over 150 images of them all total, so if you have time to spare and would like look through the rest of them, you can view them here.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Karine and Henry Tie the Knot!

The ceremony was beautiful and really expressed the love between Karine and Henry.

How cute are they?!

When we got to the reception - wouldn't you know it? The sky went totally blue and the bright sun shone everywhere. It actually got very hot while we were doing the formals. I was so excited for them. While there I got these two images - two of my favorites:

It was a really short day for me and I wasn't scheduled to take any photos during the reception, but I couldn't help but sneak a peek. The Daniel Webster Inn is really quaint and pretty inside. It is a really nice place to have a wedding. While inside, I grabbed this image of the cake:

Sunday, June 29, 2008
A Special Anniversary Session

The neck proved to be as challenging as I expected. I wanted to show enough the neck to know what it is, yet not so much of her face, since it would take the focus away from the neck. Here I needed to really work on not only the angle to take the photograph from, but also the angle of the light. This image came out better than I hoped. It is my favorite of them all:
She knew she wanted to do four images to balance the collage on the wall, but hadn't decided on what to do for the fourth image. This last one happened more by accident than anything. As I was setting my camera up for one of the other images, I saw her hand laying there. I turned my camera and took this image:
I converted them to a warm sepia tone afterwards in Photoshop. They aren't a true black and white - more of a brown and white. But I love them. Now, imagine if you will, all of them together in separate, matching black frames and it was the perfect first anniversary gift. Since I didn't want to spoil the surprise, I waited until she gave them to her husband to post here, but I have been told he LOVES them.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Dawn & Matt are having a baby!!

When Dawn asked me to come and do a Lifestyle Maternity session with her and her cute belly - I can't even tell you how excited I was! Since I have really been focused on photographing weddings, this was going to be my first maternity sesson ever. And now that I have done one, I really REALLY like them! So if you know any ladies who are pregnant and would like to do a maternity session, please send them my way. I really wish I could have done something like this when I was pregnant.

When we started, Dawn was wearing a nice little black dress. Isn't she SO cute?!

Then Matt came in...aren't they just amazing? Can you feel the cute through the screen?

This one is my FAVORITE:
And then we tried something a little different, which I LOVE!