So as 2008 starts off I want to say thank you to everyone who reads this. You have all helped me in some way, great or small, to continue down this long, winding, exciting path and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Family means a lot to me and I am so very sad that I can't spend more time with a lot of my extended family members. I miss you all lots ("Unc" especially). I hope to find more time next year to visit with those of you I don't see often enough.
As for my resolutions, I am going to try once more to lose a few excess pounds (which seemed to multiply between Thanksgiving and now!). To do so, I'd like to cook more fresh meals and eat better foods (maybe try a few new ones, too!) If anyone has any great recipes they'd like to share, please add them to the comments. I can use all the help I can get!!
I am also going to try to get us as a family of four more organized. I read somewhere that you only use 20% of your "stuff" 80% of the time. Thinking through that - we have ALOT of excess baggage around here, from clothes to junk. Time to clean sweep the house and organize what's left a bit more.
For Jenifer Lyn Photography, I am planning out my year, which will involve changing my prices and Collections to better suit my service model. I'm very excited about this coming year and all the great couples who I have the pleasure of spending the day with. I also want to attend some more training. I feel that I can never (and will never) stop learning and I'm looking forward to planning which seminars to build into my time and money next year.
I think that sums the big ones up. I wish all of you a very Happy New Year and I truly hope 2008 is a great and prosperous one for you.
With Love,