While in our travels we were fortunate to run into Lee, the Catering Manager for the event. She is wonderful! She took the time to show us around and give us the timeline of the events and show us the different places where everything was taking place. I honestly can't say enough good things about her - she's so sweet!!
By this time it was dinner time, so we found our way over to Cafe Mirabelle - a quaint French restaurant. Since it had snowed earlier that day and it was still extremely cold out, the restaurant was very empty. So we were able to get a seat in the upper level window, overlooking Portsmouth. It was wonderful! The food was fantastic and the staff was great. I was so glad Ron took the time to research area restaurants and found this, or we never would have had the chance to try it out. We will definitely go back!
We went back to the hotel and had a couple drinks in the lounge - it was nice. Of course, I had my camera with me and played around with a few things. Here are a couple, starting with Ron on the phone (behind my very tasty martini):

With this next one, I was trying for long exposure out the window to capture the lights and boats in the water outside the hotel. It came out kind of cool....

The wedding coverage didn't start until 3 on Saturday, so we got up early, ate breakfast at the hotel and took a walk around the area. When we came around the corner, we found this great church:

This image is actually a composite of two images I took. When we went out, I had only brought my 50mm lens and it was not wide enough to get the whole church, even from across the street. Adobe's CS3 does a great job pulling the images together - it's really cool!
Then we turned to our right and saw this scene down the street - it's just sooooo New England-y isn't it?!

As you look closer at the image, though, this pink sign stuck out like a sore thumb from behind the flag pole!!! Notice anything interesting?! My maiden name is Gregoire (which isn't extremely common) so it was really cool to see!!

As you can see from the outfits of the people on the street, it was FREEZING cold out, with a wind chill that I swear felt like 12 degrees. So we didn't spend too much time outside! We grabbed a bite to eat at the Portsmouth Brewery. Since we were working, we didn't have a beer, but they had like 20 of them on the blackboard. The food was really good.
Well, that's about it, leading up to the wedding. I will blog with images from the wedding in the next day or two once I've had a chance to go through them all. I will say, it was a great wedding and I am so glad Christy and Jim chose us to share their day with them and their family/friends.
More to come soon!