Thursday, January 14, 2010

We've Moved!!!

For family that is now having a heart attack wondering how on earth we up and moved our house without telling any one, I'm sorry. :-) That's not what I meant!

I am SO unbelievably excited to tell you all we've moved the blog to a custom new blog that I absolutely love! It's been a long time coming and took many hours/days/weeks/months to pull together, but I really like it a lot. Well, mostly. I keep fiddling with little settings here and there, but for the most part it's great. If you like getting the e-mail notifications, you can sign up to receive emails every time I post. It's also set up to work with your favorite RSS reader, so you can follow it that way, too.

What I'm most excited about is all of the new features I have planned (and started) on the new blog. I will be doing short reviews on venues and vendors I've worked with, in hopes to provide you with an outsiders opinion and view point. There are many great ones out there!

Second, I've started a "Top Things Every Bride Should Know" feature. These are entirely from my perspective (that of a wedding photographer and former bride). It's my plan to offer tips on things to hopefully help brides have enough knowledge to make educated decisions on wedding day items (with a HUGE slant towards photography - I am after all a photographer!)

For my family, I will still include some images of the kids, but I think those are going to be fewer as I do more of that on Facebook and can control who sees pictures of my "babies". Speaking of Facebook - I'm on there, too! I have my personal page and a fan page for Jenifer Lyn Photography. Add me! I'd love to keep in touch!

Lastly, but MOST certainly not least, thank you to everyone who has supported me so much through everything. Without your support I don't know how I could have done all of this.