I really thought it would get easier for me to get blog posts up - I really did! I guess I completely underestimated how truly busy I was about to get. This post will be my feeble attempt at playing quick catch up and then I will try my best to post up images from the many things I have been doing in the last couple of months. I will take this time to apologize to all my family who have given me a hard time about not posting updated images of the kids and to all my clients who have asked me when I'm going to blog again.
As I think back, I realize I have had an amazing couple of months. Here is a sampling of what I have been doing with all that time:
- An awesome Lifestyle Maternity session
- A really cool Anniversary "present"
- A wonderful wedding
- A dinner dance for Ron's law school
- A spectacular Lifestyle e-session
- The most amazing trip to Disney World - ever
Since I refuse to blog and not include any images, I'm putting in a couple of the kids from when we snuck into the not-quite-open-yet new playground at RJ's school.

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